
Campanus usually wrote his works in Latin, but also wrote occasionally in Czech, Greek, and German. Some of his works, like the play Břetislav und Jitka (Bretislaus) (1614), were forbidden, because they were critical of the dukes of Bohemia. His works were recognized in Europe for their metrical perfection.

Campanus' first collection of musical works, Sacrarum odarum libri duo, was published in Frankfurt in 1613. The Sacrarum odarum, which includes Rorando coeli, contains primarily short vocal works set in a simple, homorhythmic style.

    Turcicorum tyrannorum qui inde usque ab Otomanno rebus Turcicis praefuerunt, descriptio (1597)
    Heilige Oden/Posvátné ódy (Umdichtung der Psalmen Davids/Přebásnění Davidových žalmů)
    Cechias (a history of Bohemia in verse form)
    Bretislaus (play)
    Elegie der Angst (Elegie o strachu)
    Bitte um Frieden (Prosba o mír)

His chants include:

    Ad Jehovam
    Ad puelli Jesuki cunas
    Rorando coeli: Rorando coeli has two choirs. They imitate one another throughout. The double choir technique utilized in this motet evokes the more complex antiphonal works of Campanus' contemporaries in Venice.


Composition TitleJenre
Rondo CoeliHistorical songs, Psalms

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